Cases of 6, 12, 18 and 24 cans delivered direct to your door

Pick and mix exactly which 6, 12, 18 or 24 cans you would like to purchase.
If you are purchasing a glass or tote bag please count them as 1 can.

Picture of Explorer stout label front.
Picture of Explorer stout label back.
Picture of Explorer stout can.
Picture of Explore stout in a glass

Explorer Stout 4.0%


Dark rich and chocolatey, balancing malty goodness with classic British hoppy 



ABV: 4.0%

UK Units: 1.7

440ml Can

Orders must be in cases of 6, 12, etc.  Pick and mix exactly which beers you would like.  If you are purchasing a glass or tote bag please count them as 1 can.

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